Friday, June 6, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

A Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide. I thought my lifestyle is healthy. I got the shock of my life when I got the result of my carbon footprint. It was whopping 3.63. It means I am living in a way that requires 3.63 times of the earth’s resources to be healthy in it.

My high carbon footprint is due to the fact that I use my car a lot. It causes lot of air pollution. Even for short distance, I travel by car. Secondly, my eating habit also contributes to high carbon footprint. I am non-vegetarian and eat mixed of red and white meat. Thirdly, consumption of electricity is another factor to increase carbon footprint.

Now I know how I can reduce my carbon footprint. I should try to walk short distances instead of driving. I will make sure to use vegetables more than meat. I stay indoor when I am free that makes electricity consumption too much. I should go outing and get some fresh air.

Carbon footprint is the mirror of healthy lifestyle. The less the value of carbon footprint the better is the lifestyle. We should try to analyze the lifestyle and analyze the factors of contributing the carbon footprint. We should try to reduce the value of carbon footprint.


Knowledge is Power said...

You have such nice photes. but you have high consuming of things


Bader Ali said...

nice posting

nice posting mohamed but your overall was too much to reduce carbon emission , you must to rethink about what are you doing for our planet.

thanks bro