Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cool City

Global Warming is one of the most serious threats facing the world. All over the globe people and the governments are trying to make their cities cool to reduce the effects of global warming.

Locally, we can make our city Abu Dhabi cool. For this we will have to work on reducing the number and the intensity of the factors that heighten global warming. Transportation is one of the most significant factors of causing global warming. If we are able to reduce the number of vehicles that move on the road it would definitely benefit us. To do so we should improve public transport and make it accessible to different parts of the city. The frequency and the cost of this transport should be such that it should clearly have an edge over the private transport.

Due to the high temperature, the whole of this region needs air-conditioning. It is an inevitable part of the residents of the region. It is a vicious circle: to reduce the temperature, we use air conditioning that worsens the global warming scenario. Thanks to the rulers of the emirates who realized the importance of greenery and plantation to keep the environment safe.

Monday, May 12, 2008

“An Inconvenient Truth” - Summary

This documentary video talks about Algore’s campaign on global warming issue.

The video is not about Algore himself. He tries to make the global warming heard and taken seriously. He presents the evidences for global warming and mankind's link to it in a great way and he doesn't do it in a political or spleenful way. Represents the changes in temperature around the world and atmospheric carbon patterns, and he explanes that our last 20 years had the highest rates over the previous 600,000 years. before I watched the film, I didn’t think that pollution is a really serious problem and could have such enormous results, but Algore proved how big is the problem by using real and reasonable evidences.

At the end,Al Gore talks about his personal life and how he thinks that all the countries around the world should solve this problem together because it is everyone’s problem.